What is the G-spot?

What is the G-spot?
Table of contents
  1. Overview of the G-spot
  2. Discovering your G-spot
  3. The P-spot: the G-spot for men

It is impossible to talk about sexual pleasure without going through the G-spot. For a long time, the G-spot has been a myth. What is certain is that it costs nothing to discover something that could bring pleasure. Let's dive into the notion of the G-spot.

Overview of the G-spot

The term "G-spot" first appeared in 1981 in reference to Ernest Gräfenberg, the German sexologist who discovered it in 1950. Similar to the prostate gland in men, the G-spot is bulbous in shape and measures less than 1 cm in diameter. Its size increases when it is stimulated. It is located on the outside of the vagina about 3 cm from the entrance. It is an area particularly sensitive to caresses and penetrations.

Discovering your G-spot

Discovering your own body is always interesting. Thus, you can discover your G-spot alone or in pairs. To do this, you need to be excited. The best position is on all fours, squatting or lying on your stomach. Insert your index finger into your vagina with small, intermittent pressures on the outer wall, or ask your partner to do it for you. Everybody is different, so it's your body's sensations and reactions that will help you find the exact location of your G-spot.

The P-spot: the G-spot for men

As with women, men also have a G-spot but with a different name: P-spot for prostate gland. It is a gland located under the bladder. It is likely to offer the man powerful orgasms. It is necessary to insert the finger in the anus to stimulate it. Insert the finger about two phalanges away and caress the prostate by moving the finger. Not all men are into this practice. Many men are surprised by the pleasure they feel once the P-spot is stimulated.

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